Minggu, 25 Desember 2016

Rizqy Karyandi Amalia (A1B215061)

Argumentative Essay


Cats are one of the animals are adorable, charming, intelligent and docile. That's why many people make a cat as a pet. Cats are a tame animal and friendly to human. Although, sometimes cats need lots of attention. Cat has long hair, that's why cats are not very suitable for people with asthma. Besides that, there are many benefits makes cat as a pet. Such as cat can be used as a commodity to sell, can kill a sense of confusion and reduce the risk of heart attack.
Along with the number of type of cats which enter to Indonesia, the number of people who loves cats also increased. The development of the cat lovers makes the high interest to the cat. These opportunities can be used to make the cat as a commodity to sell. Can be said spawn cats not only fun but also can earn money. The price a cat with import type can sell for 5.000.000. The price is not a problem for people who really love a cat. They would not hesitate to spend much money to get a cat with the special type. That's why a cat can be used as a commodity to sell.
Can kill a sense of confusion is also one of the benefits maintain a cat. In fact, maintain cats can eliminate hesitated or feeling confusion. Cats are not same with dogs, they have high response more than dogs. Play with cats can entertain and reduce sad feeling, because they are good and are funny animals that very comfortable to be a friend. Cats can also become place for sharing. Although they can speak they really excited to listen what they owner talking about. They will response with move they ears or they tail. The summarizes is cats can make their owner eliminate bad feeling, stress, and confusion.
A study reveals 30 % the cat owner live healthier and can avoid a heart attack or stroke. Maintain cats also can reduce the risk of heart disease. Cats can reduce someone stress, that's why cat can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In a study published in the journal of vascular and interventional neurology found that the person who maintains cats can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. So, human who maintain cat will be less to suffer or died caused by heart disease. They will less likely died suddenly because of heart attack.

 Actually, there is a negative impact of cats, but there are more positive impact of it.  In fact, there are benefits maintain cats for health. Do not be afraid to maintain the cats. Cats are very tame and funny animals. They will love their owner if the owner loves them too. They can help to make their owner have a good feeling. Just touch their fur will make the owner get calm. So, let's maintain a cat.

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