Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

M.Nashrullah (A1B215046)

Animal experimentation

      “Animals are such agreeable friends — they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.” » George Eliot. When one thinks of the way animals are used in science and medication, it is evident that the majority of researchers don't agree with that, and use and abuse animals.trying out on live animals has been a common practice since five hundred B.C. Even though this has resulted in advantages for people, it is harmful to the animals themselves. Many are treated cruelly when other, more effective methods exist. additionally, the result from animal experimentation may also not even be reliable and/or accurate. Animals should not be used for scientific or medical research as a result of most specimens are treated cruelly, a large percent of those used in experiments are not protected by government agencies, and different strategies of trying out now exist.

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