Rabu, 21 Desember 2016

Ridik Subagia (A1B215060)

  • Argumentative Essay ( Complete )

“Listening Music While Studying, ?”

Music is very popular among teenagers, and music is so important to them. According to them, music can make them more focused and relaxed in studying. Music also can alleviate depression and anxiety. So, that is why teenagers are very often listening to music while they study. But in fact, listen to music while studying can actually have a negative impact on their learning, especially when in concentration and when memorizing something in order.

Music is a stimulus which is attractive. That means it will draw their attention. Teenager’s attention is generally very limited and they might not want to waste their attention on things not related to studying. Listen to music can improve attention, memory, and even mental math ability. However, a recent study at the University of Wales produce a different result. The study show that listening to music while studying was just as distracting as hearing someone talk. Whether it was liked music or disliked music, the study's result showed no difference, and both were worse than the quiet control condition. Listening to music also can also slightly reduce the ability of learning capacity and therefore it will be more spending time to learn. The study also show that music with lyrics can interfere with reading comprehension, as well as writing ability.

Listen to music while memorizing something in order may diminish their cognitive abilities. Low-level memory while listening to music and experiencing random data occur because of variations in the acoustic environment. This damages the ability to remember a sequence of data and repetition. It just a fact that to remember the data is also needed the ability to maintain control of information in the short term, which is through repetition of memory.  And that is why listen to music while learning is expected to remember less than those who don’t listen to music while learning.

No matter how they look at it, there’s really no reason to listen to music while studying. Whether they consider the benefits of it, it is still not good for their study. It will be best if they study without any music turn on. And it will be good if they only study with full of concentration.

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