Minggu, 25 Desember 2016

Nusha Hasby Elmilady (A1B215057)


            Today, the game is something worthy right now because, in the pro-gamer world, they will get paid if they play well.The Game is appreciated right now by people, so many of them want to be a pro-gamer. So many pro-gamer is richer than most of the employees that work in the office. For example, Clement ”Puppey” Ivanov, he is a pro-gamer of Dota 2 and he earns $1.29 million in a year. In this article, we will talk about how pro players get paid by playing games, how hard their effort to be a pro, and my opinion about people who want to be a pro-gamer
    Pro-gamer is really worth today if you really expert on gaming because today gaming life is really entertaining and gaming is a sport right now, they called gaming sport as the e-sport. A pro-gamer get paid by their team or from the sponsors. All of the teenagers like gaming that's why so many teenagers want to be pro-gamer. What they want from being a pro-gamer is money, fame, hobby and want to show to people gaming isn’t nothing.
    To be a pro-gamer is not easy. You should play very well, better than the other players, training every time, and you should be serious with your gaming life, because if you not serious about your gaming life you never be a pro-gamer. Why you should be serious, be better, and do so many practices because if you not serious you just like a gamer, not a pro-gamer. Clement ”puppey” Ivanov said, “anyone can play the game, but not all of them can be a pro-gamer”.
    So many people want to be a pro-gamer. That's not a bad dream because I always keep it in my mind “do what you want to do!, don’t think about the money but think about your pleasure” so if gaming is your hobby and you get paid from your hobbies it's great, right ?. but on the other hand you need to focus on your reality life just like your academic life, your society life, and your religion. So my opinions are it's better if you can get paid from your gaming life as your hobby but you need to think about your academic life, your society life, and your religion because hard to live gaming life if you can’t be a really pro-gamer.

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