Minggu, 25 Desember 2016

Akhmad Lutfi A1B215036 || Argumentative Essay

Why National Exam Should be Abolished?

         These days, national examination becomes a real matter in our country. Since its first debut on 2005, it always draws public arguments. And recently, our new minister of education brings back the issue of abolishing national or at this case, national exam moratorium. As we know, the national examination is two sides of a coin. There will always be pros and cons. Many people are not big fans of it. It's because they think it's not an effective way to standardize the quality of education and it's a waste of money. Not only that, they think it also encourages dishonesty in students.
     Seen from the process, the implementation of the national exam considered ineffective. The reason why the national exam exist is to be the measuring instrument of education, but is it worked? I don't think so. The main thing that should be considered is actually the developing of teacher's quality and the school itself. We also can't assess students successes in learning by the result of the national exam. Cognitive assessment as objective as possible needs to be done by teachers who directly interact with students every day.
     Seen from the economic side, the national exam is also a big waste of the country fund. The government has to spend a large amount of money in printing Q and A sheets, distributing it, and supervising national exam itself. The cost that expended supposedly can be used in developing another aspect of education. As the example, we can use it to build or renovate schools, in which we well-known that there are many schools in Indonesia inappropriate to be called as "school".
     The national exam also encourages dishonesty of students. Many cases have proven this. Every year since it implemented we always hear the news about cheating and other kinds of dishonesty which done by students. They do such things because they feel distressed by the fact that the result of the national exam will influence their future. And the irony is the fact that they didn't do that all alone, but they were helped by teachers and supervisors which were supposedly guarantee the purity of education.
    To sum up, Me as one of the citizens in this large country, totally agree with the issue of the national exam moratorium. All the cons that happen in the process of the national exam can be a consideration by the government to make decisions. And that will affect this country education in the future.  At the end, we as an ordinary people can only speak, wait, hope, and see what will our stakeholder do to improve and develop our education.

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