Senin, 26 Desember 2016

Muhammad khairul azmi A1B215220 Argumentative essay

MUHAMMAD KHAIRUL AZMI (A1B215220) Argumentative Essay   

                                          FLAT EARTH THEORY

    In these day, there are still people out there who believe the Earth is flat — and if a few recent news stories are any indication, they’re making a comeback.
The argument is nothing new. The theory re-emerged in the late 19th century, when truthers thought all that Earth-is-round science and whatnot was part of a conspiracy to debunk religion, according to the Pacific Standard.  

We’ve reported on flat-Earth truthers more recently, and we give them the same level of credence as people who believe there are reptilian aliens living in underground networks in Montauk, New York, controlling locals’ minds.
But when TV personality Tila Tequila went on a now-infamous Twitter rant about the Earth being flat earlier this month, the headlines followed, along with more conspiracy theories.

Also The leading flat Earth theory holds that our planet is actually a disc and that gravity is an illusion. As The Huffington Post reported in 2012:
Earth is a disc with the Arctic Circle in the center and Antarctica, a 150-foot-tall wall of ice, around the rim. NASA employees, they say, guard this ice wall to prevent people from climbing over and falling off the disc.
Earth’s day and night cycle is explained by positing that the sun and moon are spheres measuring 32 miles that move in circles 3,000 miles above the plane of the Earth. (Stars, they say, move in a plane 3,100 miles up.) Like spotlights, these celestial spheres illuminate different portions of the planet in a 24-hour cycle. Flat-earthers believe there must also be an invisible “antimoon” that obscures the moon during lunar eclipses.

The theory’s main proponent, the Flat Earth Society, has made some waves over the years, but truthers’ baffling arguments were losing most of their steam — until now. Tequila, who said late last year that she was struggling with mental illness and drug addiction, got the conversation going again.
If that weren’t enough, YouTube user and former truther TigerDan925  — who has 25,000 subscribers and has posted 18 flat Earth videos — caused a stir for turning the flat Earth theory on its head by conceding this month that Antarctica is a continent, not a wall.

“[This is] just the tip of the iceberg,” said flat-Earth convert Mark Sargent, who used his two decades of work in the tech and video game industries to create the site and a YouTube series called Flat Earth Clues. “There’s dissension in the ranks all over the place.”
“It’s almost like the beginning of a new religion. Everyone’s trying to define it. And they’re turning on each other because there’s no unified theory.”
For the record, the Earth is a bumpy spheroid. But it doesn’t seem like flat-Earth truthers — or Montauk lizard aliens — are going away anytime soon.
Meanwhile, here’s our theory about the renewed interest in our flat Earth.

Argumentative essay and Introductory paragraf

Bad habit of Indonesian Society

Littering has a bad habit of Indonesian society. people in their daily activities always consciously and deliberately littering. It happened because of a lack of awareness and sense of responsibility of each individual to a healthy environment. This is proven by the studies showed that 400 people in Indonesia are still littering. Littering littelary have a big impact on the environment and on society it self. We as human being who have intelligent from the other creature should be more awareness and responsibility of ourselves and to our environment.



      When the 14th august, me and my family decided took a vacation to Bali. Then the next day our family and my mom’s sister goes to Syamsudin Noor airport in Banjarbaru with my uncle’s car, in travel, i’ve always dizzy and nausea when get in car, so I gag several times along the travel. After our family get in the airplane, they all slept but I can’t slept, I was too fear and afraid in airplane because my friend scare me to took a travel with airplane and it was my first experience, I imagine this airplane go down because a human error, fall to the sea and no one survive. Long journey, we just arrive in Soekarno Hatta Airport, Jakarta to transit, we wait in airport about 3 hour. After that we aboard on airplane to countinue our journey, fortunately in this second fly I didn’t fear or afraid again, because I cant see the beautiful sea on window, Finally we arrive in I gusti ngurahrai airport,Bali,first thing we look for hotel and planned to go anywhere when in Bali. The next day we goes to kuta beach and buy souvenir in Denpasar, and we goes to many interesting place in Bali.

  Logical of division
  The advantage using  Iphone 7+    

      Some people think iphone 7+  is very hard to use because is different with other iphone but really if you know about using iphone is very easier to use. First, iphone 7 has a two types iphone 7 and iphone 7+. Seconf,  iphone 7+ was heavier and  bigger than iphone 7, iphone 7+ hasa 3gb RAM and iphone 7 has a 2gb.  Third, iphone 7+ has a 12MP + 12MP dual rear camera which is other smartphone didn’t have. Last, iphone 7+ has a 2900mah battery and iphone 7 just 1960mah, maybe user satisfy with the endurance of iphone 7+ batteries, but of course iphone 7+  expensive,you can have it if you have $110in your wallet.


  In DC universe comics, superhero such as batman and superman seem to carry all the weight of humanity on their shoulders and they broodingly act out a way. Dc universe comic darkest than marvel, because lot of characters in DC comics actually killed by his enemy.

  But different with MARVEL comics tend to take on a lighter note, the heroes are ultimately virtuous and shining rays of hope even with with wild or darkest like ironman and captain strange, and MARVEL created deadpool the immortal man which is take too much talk and joking around his kill 

Tampa vs. Great Falls
       Although Tampa and Great Falls are both American cities, there are differences in almost every aspect of living. The city of Tampa is in the southeastern United States. The weather in that part of the country is hot and humid almost all the time, so residents and tourists can enjoy the powdery white Gulf beaches year-round. There are also many theme parks and museums to experience. Tampa has great restaurants almost beyond counting. The restaurants range from five-star restaurants to walk-up counters. On the down side, there are aggressive panhandlers at every intersection. The traffic is a nightmare. There are many dangerous neighborhoods. The weather is also something to contend with; there are severe storms, tornados, floods, and hurricanes. There is also frequent and unexpected rudeness in strangers. In contrast, the city of Great Falls is in the northwestern United States. There are almost no aggressive panhandlers in Great Falls; they are certainly not at every intersection. There is little traffic in the city. The neighborhoods are generally safe, and almost everyone you meet is friendly and courteous. On the flip side, there are just a couple of good restaurants. There is no variety in the genre of restaurants. There is not much to offer locally in the way of theme parks or museums. However, the weather in Great Falls is generally agreeable. The summers are hot, dry, and windy. The winters are cold, snowy, and windy. Because of the variety in seasonal weather, there are many different types of outdoor activities to enjoy year-round. There is hiking, biking, swimming, and camping in the summer; in the winter there is skiing, snowboarding, and ice fishing. Both cities have much to offer in different ways. I believe that Tampa is a great place to visit on vacation, but Great Falls is the better place to live and raise a family.

Minggu, 25 Desember 2016

Triana Putri Salehah (A1B215230)

Argumentative Essay
Do violent in video games cause behavior problems?

Currently video games are very popular with many people, especially children. With the rapid growth of technology, of course also affect the video games. The video game has the main purpose is for entertain for those who play it. But now comes the problem from playing video games, especially those experienced by children. One of the problems is video games that contain violence. However, the main focus of the game today is violence and killing the enemy. Therefore, many people believe that violence in video games lead to outbreaks of violence and bad behavior in real life. Because of this, appears the question in many people; whether these violent video games cause teens to act aggressively? for me, I believe that spending too much time on some kind of activity can cause permanent damage to the pattern of adolescent behavior. Many studies have been going around this idea, provide valid points to both sides of the topics.
Spending too much time on playing violent video games can provoke teens to act in a violent manner. Killing enemies in a video game can teach teens to act in an aggressive manner when faced with the real world. This is because playing violent video games induces individual brain chance to act in certain manners. In addition, the brain takes only what it wants in a given situation. This means that one can chance his or her minds.
Video games have been to be addictive if played uncontrollably. Because of this can make the children being lazy. They don’t want to help their parents or even study and doing their homework. The children will in front of the television and played video games almost all days if they too addictive.
On the other hand, some people, although they think that behind the negative effects caused by video games there is still a positive effect.When video games aren't about violence, their capacity to teach can be a good thing.  for example, video games can train a child’s concentration and also with the games, the children can make a friendship with other people. Because of this, video games can ultimately keep them away from drug usage and violent activities.
Additionally, although violent video games might cause children to violent behavior, genetics and environmental aspects and self-control must be considered as some of the factors that contribute to the increase in aggressiveness. Ph. D statement during an interview with MSNBC, "Video game violence is only one risk factor for aggressive behavior in the real world. There are also dozen or so known risk factors. It is not the smallest risk factor, but it is an important one."
Violent video games can cause the aggressive and violent behavior and addiction to the children. However, considering some of the positive effects of the video games, their use must not be prohibited. Parents and guardians should take care their children to reduce the negative effect of violence.To avoid possibilities of addiction, parents should attempt to provide a variety of entertainment to their children. It would be a good idea to make sure that children involve themselves in sports and interact with other children and their friends.

Annisa Sri Rahayu (A1B215201) //Argumentative Essay Complete


Warming up is a series of movements, both in general and specifically in preparing and psychological state of the body optimally before practice or game. Is generally carried out approximately 15 minutes. There are so many reasons why we should starting out with a warm up.The first reason is to prevent injury during exercise. Second, to increases degradation of hemoglobin, blood flow to exercising muscles and blood flow to the heart. Last, warming up is good to help gain sweating.
First, warming up can prevent injury during exercise. Keeping the muscles warm will prevent acute injuries such as hamstring strains and will stave off overuse injuries by allowing the body to prepare steadily and safely. In a game, substitutes should continue to run and stretch while they are waiting to join a game; this is commonly seen in football matches where the substitutes jump and stretch along the sidelines.
Second, to increases degradation of hemoglobin, blood flow to exercising muscles and blood flow to the heart. In lay person's terms, warming up helps break down the chemical complex of oxygen, which enables it to separate from the blood and enhance its delivery to the muscle. Increases blood flow to exercising muscles. The more blood that reaches the muscles, the easier the delivery of nutrients required for energy production. Increase blood flows to the heart. More blood to the means a reduced risk for exercise-induced cardiac abnormalities.
Third, warming up is good to help gain sweating. Sweat is good. Sweating reduces the amount of heat stored in the body. Your body spends more energy cooling itself than through any other activity.
Although the way to warm up is quite easy, but there are still many people who are lazy to do it. Hopefully, with the benefits of warming up, people will want to warm up because it was very useful for human health and help to do daily activities.

Arifudin Muhammad (A1B215004)

International-standard circuit in Indonesia?
Exciting news from the world of sports racing in Indonesia, is said to want to build internasiaonal-standard racing circuit. As rumored by Governor basuki cahya purnama known AHOK who had the idea to create new circuits in order to organise the international class racing event like MotoGP or F1. It's not just the usual statement, it looks like the Governor of DKI JAKARTA has met with the owner of the circuit Almeria, Spain i.e. David Garcia project to discuss the creation of a new international circuits that the plan meets all sorts of standarisiation the FIM (Federation International de Motocyclism). Despite the apparent strong desire to want to be realized but it does not always escape from rejection. They argue that there are 3 things that make Indonesia not worth building international circuits. Why?
First is circuit in Indonesia less meet the standards of competency to be held his race MOTO GP, second is racing circuits or condition of Indonesia is very dangerous for the MOTO GP rider, and the third is the problem of logistic Indonesia provided for each race event once.
circuit in Indonesia less meet the standards of competency to be held his race MOTO GP
much to the Government's should to do to meet the standards, especially in the development of international-standard circuit, such as in infrastructure and support facilities.
racing circuits condition of Indonesia is very dangerous for the MOTO GP rider
Many have criticized the matter of asphalt track Circuits undulating Indonesia, either because the structure of the soil or indeed due to the damaged asphalt track. Such a condition would certainly make no safety for the Circuit racer-racer. In addition the design flow for track Circuit are also less challenging for the event MotoGP race.
problem of logistic Indonesia provided for each race event once
problem of logistic is the classic problem , which will be prominent obstacle.
And the conclusion is However actually many advantages if event Moto GP Circuit held in indonesia. With the growing number of International-scale circuit that will support the activities of the other race. Owners of vehicles in Indonesia is also included at most and certainly need a circuit to channel their hobbies.

Novi Shaydatul Sabrina (A1B215025)

Keep Papua  with NKRI


Why West Papua should be part of the Homeland? The Republic of Indonesia  Republic of Indonesia) is one of the main foundation of four pillars of nation and state formation that underlies this beloved country is the Republic of Indonesia. The Republic of Indonesia is a country that is formed over various ethnicity, language, religion, race, and ethnic groups spread from Sabang to Merauke. So it is the duty together as citizens to come together and unite in defense of the Homeland. However, the diversity affects the potential for some conflict, so that the State of West Papua want to separate themselves from the Homeland. Because it can be seen from several reasons such as history, education, economy, and culture.


First, the reason history: the Free Papua Movement ( OPM ). The organization continues to make efforts to separate Papua from the Homeland by armed terrorist acts against the government, military/police and civil society and indigenous. This is what actually led to the settlement of separatism in Papua and West Papua simultaneously and intensively with the government's continued focus on improving the security and order conditions involving the military / police who then used by OPM to provoke a military / police in Papua perform actions violate human rights, which in fact is conditioned by the OPM itself to form an opinion on the Papuan people and the world in order to get sympathy and financial support as well as enhancing its existence.

Second, the reason education: For the umpteenth time the Papuan people to reject the Homeland volatile ( Republic of Indonesia ). Most of the indigenous people of Papua was not getting much benefit by joining the Homeland half a century after joining, their lives remain behind. Central Statistics Agency ( BPS ) of Papua in 2010, found that about 80 percent of indigenous people live in backwardness, poor, and very behind in education. Poor households reached 83.04 percent.

Third, economic reasons: Citizens of Papua in the economy was left behind, because of all resources utilized by foreigners, but citizens of Papua yourself getting slightly. So the economic problems that led to loss of revenue from natural resources in West Papua. Examples such, the exploitation of natural resources in Papua ongoing but the condition of the people of Papua remains neglected even forgotten that they are in a position to make very poor.

Fourth, cultural reasons : Culture population or community culture in New Guinea can be said to be diverse, some tribal cultures have a fairly high and admirable that the tribes on the South east of Irian are now better known as the tribe " ASMAT " ethnic group is famous for having greatness in terms of sculpture and dance.  Culture Irian diverse population that can be marked by a number of local languages, especially in West Irian.

           The Republic of Indonesia has a diversity of ethnicity, language, religion, race, and ethnicity. So it is only fitting the State of West Papua in order not to separate themselves from the Homeland. However, unite to defend the Homeland.

Muhammad Hidayat A1B215219

Argumentative Essay
Image result for korupsi

A New Generation With No Corruption !

          Indonesia is an agricultural country and one of the countries that have abundant natural resources. Basically, a lot of crops that can be used to advance and make Indonesia into a thriving and independent country. This situation is not necessarily owned by other countries. proudly isn’t it? However, there are cases where it is very unfortunate. Although the nation of Indonesia is very rich in his produce, but most people actually live in poverty and away from welfare. There are still many Indonesian people who drop out of school, unemployment, and treatment, as well as a place to stay that is not feasible. A country rich in his produce became a country that lags behind neighboring countries. This condition will continue to happen if Indonesia continues to import food from them.

It is so sad to hear that, but this seemed to be a phenomenon which is not only for Indonesia’s people. so, naturally if there are questions what happened exactly in Indonesia? Many factors that make people be miserable in the midst of the natural wealth of Indonesia. One of them is the management of the country that is still mistaken or even wrong. For examples, errors occurring in the management of the state is the corruption that exists in almost every sector.

The problem of corruption is no longer being a surprisingly problems, but it is already just like a daily food for Indonesian people. It is proven from every TV news there must be a lot of the government’s corruption. If only carried out the survey, surely many people are fed up, bored to hear the word “corruption” in this country. Maybe that is the reason why Indonesian people sometimes just stay quiet.

Too many cases of corruption in Indonesia, making Indonesia’s impressed never been serious in handling any cases. As there are no laws that deter the perpetrators. Sometimes there is an impression that the country is like a haven for the corrupt. Either the wrong moral culprit by the parents or our laws are not strict at all. That caused a lot of criminals who did a corruptions case do not feel guilty. They are actually waving and smiling when the police interrogated them. They should be ashamed for doing a shameful thing for himself, his family and his citizens.

Seeing all the problems of corruption in Indonesia, can our beloved country still keep silent? Are we still fully surrender corruption cases to the same person? No! We can no longer be silent, we are a new generation of the nation. It is time we got up to the “anti-corruption” movement. We have together helped the authorities to root out the corrupt. We can participate in supervising and reporting wherever we see or find any signs or even corrupt acts. It is time we asked ourselves "what we already provide to Indonesia? have we participate in helping to eradicate corruption? Due to corruption could break the strap can be started from ourselves. By becoming a better person, honest, and characterized of anti-corruption, we believe certainly criminals will decrease and eventually disappear. It is time to start from small things so we can get a big result.

Indra Bangsawan (A1B215042) || Argumentative Essay


In these days, many news or useful information we can get from the internet, but not a few of this information or news is exploited by certain elements changed then spread it to the internet. Hoax often spread by untrusted people or media for certain reasons. Hoax is an information or false news with the intention to deceive, circumvent or incite the reader. Hoax can trigger and affected community and make them trust the information, and this is something wrong which can cause hatred among humans. Hoax is trappy for a new Internet user, as they are easily influenced and easy to believe without finding out the authenticity of the information. Then how to outsmart these hoaxes or false information? As a good reader, we should be aware of the authenticity of the information so that there is no misunderstanding and misguided by hoax maker.
To better know the characteristics of the hoax,  here following few example:

First, hoax maker make the news unreasonable, the news is too good to be true and too bad to be true, (example: Pertlite fuel prices down to IDR 1000/litre next month)
Second, hoax often bring big names, without strong evidence for the underlying (example: NASA is going to build new office in Banjarmasin)
Third, distributed via broadcast or less credible media. If find any big case news, but only shared via broadcast-Line, WA, etc., and the media are less credible, it is a sign if the news was a hoax.
Why? Because of credible media not likely to risk his reputation to share hoax.

So a review could about the hoax, actually there are many other traits, but it’s already enough to find a hoax. Wish the readers can wisely responding to a news or information and not directly trust a news by a less credible media.

Hafiz Madani A1B215040 II Argumentative Essay


Society has constantly tried to debilitate lawbreakers from unlawful activity. Since society has the most surprising enthusiasm for counteracting murder, it ought to utilize the most grounded discipline accessible to dissuade kill, and that is the death penalty. The death penalty is forced on a person for a heavy crime by disconnecting/take the life of a person. Right now, the State of Indonesia has actualized death penalty for some unforgivable crime cases such as terrorism, drug trafficking, as well as the serial killer. There are so many factors why we should agree to impose the death penalty in Indonesia. The factors are the hate and fear to the criminals will go because they are executed, the cost of a death penalty is much lower than jail penalty, and the investigation of the case will be done more carefully.
First, the hate and fear to the criminals will go because they are executed. There are many of single murder victim. criminals caught, tried, and convicted, and it is understood that the punishment will be severe. But the person who has committed having a family. Anger and grief began with the murder. It may not end just like that, but at least with the execution, those left behind can be calm and their fear will be lost because the murderer has been executed and will not be possible to revenge.
Second, the cost of a death penalty is much lower than jail penalty. Prison sentences will not make someone a deterrent. Many surveys prove that a person coming out of prison will tend to go back into jail for repeat his actions. If this happened continuously countries should bear the cost of his life. just imagine if one day a criminal has food rations three times, the price is issued for one criminal is very expensive. with the execution of criminals, it would reduce the costs borne by the state.
Last, the investigation to the case will be done more carefully. Indonesia is a country that respects human rights. the police should not be playing with someone's life. with the death penalty, the police will be more careful in the investigation because if the slightest mistake might happen the police will execute an innocent person. so the police should be more careful to avoid it.
In the summary, there are a lot of crime out. The death penalty is expected that the criminals think twice about killing or other serious crimes. The death penalty also provides security for the bereaved family of the victim. It also reduces the cost borne by the state and in the presence of the death penalty, there would be no cheating in the investigation and also make the police must be careful because it involves a person's life. 

Akhmad Nur Khairi - A1B215003

                                       Read the Quran
    The Holy Quran as the revelation of God revealed to the great Prophet Muhammad which has become guidelines for every mankind as guidance life in order to show the way goodness and truth, reminds people that hold fast to the Holy Quran for good in the world and the hereafter. If a book value having a benefit of any of its contents, the Quran has many benefits and a guidance holding human life or the human life of the world.

Thesis statement:

Do you read the Holy Quran every day? As a Moslem, we try to read it every day. We can do it in our free time where ever we are; at home or in the mosque. There are some benefits if we read it every day.


    First, we can get rewards from Allah Swt. In a treaty, Allah promised to give all and sufficient human life in this world and the next and human dignity even in the world living full of any imperfection.
    Second, reading the Holy Quran every day makes our heart happy and calm. Someone who diligent reading from the Holy Quran to possess a soul that was cool, full of patience, a heart that is clear, soul and minds of the airy, and face being luminous
    Next, we can get and increase religious knowledge. Anyone who studies and understand the Holy Quran like plumbed extent ocean life and enjoy grace life the pain and taking all wisdom and benefits of the Quran.


    So reading the Holy Quran everyday is good for us as a Moslem. Let’s read the Holy Quran everyday in our daily life.

Akhmad Lutfi A1B215036 || Argumentative Essay

Why National Exam Should be Abolished?

         These days, national examination becomes a real matter in our country. Since its first debut on 2005, it always draws public arguments. And recently, our new minister of education brings back the issue of abolishing national or at this case, national exam moratorium. As we know, the national examination is two sides of a coin. There will always be pros and cons. Many people are not big fans of it. It's because they think it's not an effective way to standardize the quality of education and it's a waste of money. Not only that, they think it also encourages dishonesty in students.
     Seen from the process, the implementation of the national exam considered ineffective. The reason why the national exam exist is to be the measuring instrument of education, but is it worked? I don't think so. The main thing that should be considered is actually the developing of teacher's quality and the school itself. We also can't assess students successes in learning by the result of the national exam. Cognitive assessment as objective as possible needs to be done by teachers who directly interact with students every day.
     Seen from the economic side, the national exam is also a big waste of the country fund. The government has to spend a large amount of money in printing Q and A sheets, distributing it, and supervising national exam itself. The cost that expended supposedly can be used in developing another aspect of education. As the example, we can use it to build or renovate schools, in which we well-known that there are many schools in Indonesia inappropriate to be called as "school".
     The national exam also encourages dishonesty of students. Many cases have proven this. Every year since it implemented we always hear the news about cheating and other kinds of dishonesty which done by students. They do such things because they feel distressed by the fact that the result of the national exam will influence their future. And the irony is the fact that they didn't do that all alone, but they were helped by teachers and supervisors which were supposedly guarantee the purity of education.
    To sum up, Me as one of the citizens in this large country, totally agree with the issue of the national exam moratorium. All the cons that happen in the process of the national exam can be a consideration by the government to make decisions. And that will affect this country education in the future.  At the end, we as an ordinary people can only speak, wait, hope, and see what will our stakeholder do to improve and develop our education.

Rizqy Karyandi Amalia (A1B215061)

Argumentative Essay


Cats are one of the animals are adorable, charming, intelligent and docile. That's why many people make a cat as a pet. Cats are a tame animal and friendly to human. Although, sometimes cats need lots of attention. Cat has long hair, that's why cats are not very suitable for people with asthma. Besides that, there are many benefits makes cat as a pet. Such as cat can be used as a commodity to sell, can kill a sense of confusion and reduce the risk of heart attack.
Along with the number of type of cats which enter to Indonesia, the number of people who loves cats also increased. The development of the cat lovers makes the high interest to the cat. These opportunities can be used to make the cat as a commodity to sell. Can be said spawn cats not only fun but also can earn money. The price a cat with import type can sell for 5.000.000. The price is not a problem for people who really love a cat. They would not hesitate to spend much money to get a cat with the special type. That's why a cat can be used as a commodity to sell.
Can kill a sense of confusion is also one of the benefits maintain a cat. In fact, maintain cats can eliminate hesitated or feeling confusion. Cats are not same with dogs, they have high response more than dogs. Play with cats can entertain and reduce sad feeling, because they are good and are funny animals that very comfortable to be a friend. Cats can also become place for sharing. Although they can speak they really excited to listen what they owner talking about. They will response with move they ears or they tail. The summarizes is cats can make their owner eliminate bad feeling, stress, and confusion.
A study reveals 30 % the cat owner live healthier and can avoid a heart attack or stroke. Maintain cats also can reduce the risk of heart disease. Cats can reduce someone stress, that's why cat can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In a study published in the journal of vascular and interventional neurology found that the person who maintains cats can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. So, human who maintain cat will be less to suffer or died caused by heart disease. They will less likely died suddenly because of heart attack.

 Actually, there is a negative impact of cats, but there are more positive impact of it.  In fact, there are benefits maintain cats for health. Do not be afraid to maintain the cats. Cats are very tame and funny animals. They will love their owner if the owner loves them too. They can help to make their owner have a good feeling. Just touch their fur will make the owner get calm. So, let's maintain a cat.