Selasa, 18 Oktober 2016



            Process from egg to butterfly is called metamorphosis. The process is quite long and simple. First of all start from butterfly's eggs laid on a leaf. The eggs will hatch within 3-5 days and then becomes caterpillar. It will run to the edge of the leaf and begin to eat it. When the caterpillar reaches maximum growth, the caterpillar stops eating and going closer to the branch. It will make a cocoon on a branch . The caterpillar will be fasting for 7-20 in a cocoon for the formation of a perfect insect. After coming out from the cocoon the caterpillar has been transformed into a beautiful butterfly. Butterfly phase is the mature phase of the result of this metamorphosis.

Logical division of ideas

           Teachers are second parents after the parents who raised us. Teachers have an important role in everyone's life. Being a teacher is not an easy job. Teaching can provide long-lasting impact on the students. A good teacher is a teacher who can motivate and inspire his students. That's why teachers must be qualified. There are a few requirements to become a qualified teacher is ; to be disciplined in everything, have intellectual intelligence and must balance with moral Intellegence. Another good quality of teacher is able to be a good example for his students. Always understand, comprehend, carring and learning to the development of students. A good teacher should have a good quality to make the sudents be able to to become a successful person.


            Melon and watermelon has the same rounded shape. They have small seeds inside the fruit. Both of these fresh fruit eaten in the heat. Both also contain vitamins A and C that nourish the eyes and endurance. Melon and watermelon is a fruit of mostly contain water. Many people choose to consume both this fruit because it is easy to come by and many mineral content is very good for the body.


            The difference fruit nutrient content that can tell we which is better for consumption. Yellow watermelon does not contain antioxidant compounds as red watermelon. But the benefits of yellow watermelon are vitamin C and A portion of more than  red watermelon. And also yellow watermelon sweeter than the red watermelon. But red watermelon is more popular and preferred by consumers for more nutritious in terms of antioxidants. That's why many traders selling red watermelons rather than yellow watermelon.

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