Selasa, 18 Oktober 2016

M. Rizaldy Mustary Haq (A1B215021)

           1. Chronological Order

The History of Indonesian Independence

            Good Indonesian people certainly know the history of the independence of Indonesia. they know that to get a freedom it is not easy to fight invaders. All live and souls of warriors have been sacrificed.

            Chronology of the independence of Indonesia begins on March 1, 1945, the Japanese occupation government under the leadership of Lt. Gen. Kumachi Harada announced the formation of Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI or Dokuritsu Junbi Coosakai). It was officially formed on April 29, 1945, which consisted of 63 people.

            On August 6, 1945 an atomic bomb exploded in the city of Hiroshima, Japan at that time was to colonize the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. It makes the Japanese soldiers return to their country. It effects into power vacuum in Indonesia. The next day on August 7, 1945, BPUPKI changed its name into PPKI (Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence or Dokuritsu Junbi Inkai).

On August 9, an atom bomb dropped again on Nagasaki which makes Japan surrendered. On August 15, 1945 the Japanese formally surrendered to allied. Sutan Syahrir urged immediate independence of Indonesia to Soekarno.

Finally, after all the struggles of PPKI produce an independence on August 17, 1945 at the residence of Sukarno, Jl. East Pegangsaan No. 56. Soekarno reads the text of the Proclamation at 10:00 a.m. and flown a Red and White flag sewn by Soekarno's wife, Fatmawati. Then, warmly welcomed by the people of Indonesia.

2. Logical Division of Ideas

The Reason Why I Choose English Department

There are three reasons why I choose the English Department at the University of Lambung Mangkurat. The first reason is English is an international language, so we need not learning a language in another country that we want to visit. The second reason is that as an opportunity to earn money by working in an institution course or school. In addition, we can also open an English course in our own homes. The third reason is that we can increase our knowledge by reading books that use English.

3.  Comparison

Guava and Orange

            There are some similarities between guava and orange. Both guava and orange have vitamin C, It are helpful for your metobolism. They also easy to find like at the fruit stores, Hypermart, and street vendors. They also affordable for all people 

4.  Contrast
Pertamax vs Premium

 There are some differences between Pertamax and Premium. The most fundamental difference of the two fuels is the content of additives and octane value. Pertamax has an octane rating or research octane number (RON) 92. It means that Pertamax is resistant to high-pressure compression engines. However, Premium has an octane rating or research octane number (RON) 88. It means that inversely of Pertamax. Pertamax has blue, and Premium has yellow. However, Pertamax more superior than Premium.

By. M. Rizaldy Mustary Haq (A1B215021)

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