Selasa, 18 Oktober 2016

Indra Bangsawan (A1B215042)

Cronological Order
"Police Registation" 

Image result for akademi kepolisian

Police is one of few dream job for some people in Indonesia. But, to be a police officer is not easy at all, there are many steps with knock-out system, who are fail at some test will be out of registation. The tests are divided into several kinds. The first test is registation, prospective students are told to collect data such as copies of diplomas, ID cards, family cards, health certificates, police record, birth certificate, and registration form which previously had been prepared before the test and will be checked during the test started. The next test is a medical test, here is divided into two stages, health test I and health test II. At this test prospective students will checked their health from head to toe, on the outside of the body and also in the inside the body. After that test there is a physical examination, on this test prospective students must show their maximum physical capabilities like running, push ups, sit ups, pull ups and swimming. The other test is academic test. Here will be tested a wide variety of academic such as mathematics, science, general knowledge. There is also a psychological test, academic potential, mental personality etc. The last test named pantukhir test. Here all grades obtained by students from the various tests will be added up and be ranked. The way it works is each year of the provinces has a quota for prospective students of the national police, the committee will make some sort of ranking from rank 1 to  last rrank (depending quota) prospective students is passed when reaching the criteria and enter the rankings of the determined quota.

Logical Division of Ideas

Praying is the pillar of faith for every Muslim. Praying is the second pillar of Islam faith. Praying has outwardly meaning that some words and deeds that starts from Takbeer and ends with greetings. Inwardly praying is the heart and soul to face God. Many things which need to be considered before performing pray such as the terms of praying, praying pillars etc. Praying is obligatory for every Muslim worship. And was so important, every Muslim is required to pray five times a day. Therefore prayer becomes determining whether or not a person's religion upright.

"Shampoo and Conditioner" 

Shampoo is an object that we use daily bath. Its function is to clean the hair and scalp. While conditioner is used to treat hair. Conditioner is usually used after shampooing. The use of both will be far better than just using any shampoo or conditioner only. But keep in mind, if you want to use a shampoo and conditioner choose the right ones in a way to equate the brand or function of shampoo and conditioner. 

"Basketball and Streetball"

Basketball (regular) is one of official sport in the world and streetball is also basketball but with different style and rule with no official association. Regular basketball is more team-based while streetball is more individual-based and about show off some skills, handles and dunks and try to embarass other team. Regular basketball is easier to learn than streetball because in streetball there's many complex movement that makes people confused when they watch it.

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