Selasa, 18 Oktober 2016

Muhammad Hais Syaufi (A1B215045)

Chronological Order
"Pro Guide to Tackle Your Friend"

            This time I will tell you about person who can tackle his or her friend with many ways to make friends girlfriend love us. Tackling our friend can make you proud because we can take our friends belonging it is "girlfriend". First, we must be kind to our friends girlfriend, if we can it will be easier to take their girlfriend. Second, we must make our friends girlfriend comfortable with us and compare it to his or her girlfriend or boyfriend, if he or she is comfortable with us he or she will choose the person who can make he or she feel comfortable. And the last to support the other methods we must spend our money, with money we can bought her whatever he or she want, so he or she be sure with us. So you can try this tips if you want tackling your friend s girlfriend or boyfriend.

Logical Division of Ideas

            We all know that gadget is very important for our life, such as to help us in working. But, before we use gadget, we must know about good and bad effects of it. First, the good effect of gadget is that it can make our work more simple, we can open the internet to find some reference for our work. Also, we can communicate with other people easier even if the other people is far away from us. Beside that, gadget also have some bad effect, for example it can make us forget about the time and also the radiation can hurt your eyes. These effects will happen if we use gadget for too long. In conclusion, gadget may give positive effect or negative effect for the user.

“American and Indonesian People”

            In this world, there are so many nations and culture, and two of them is America and Indonesia. These two country have many difference whether it is the people or the culture. First, most of American people have white skin and blonde hair, some of them also have different eyes colour such as blue, green, etc. Meanwhile in Indonesia, the people have fair skin, black hair, and black eyes. Another difference between these countries is their culture. American people tend to be more informal in something like dinner or just a simple conversation. They usually take it easy and be as relax as possible. Different with Indonesia, Indonesian people tend to be more formal in something like dinner, they even show respect to the other person whether in conversation or greeting. So, we can see some difference between America and Indonesia by looking at the people and the culture.

“Smartphone and Tablet”

            As we know, nowadays, most of people use gadget such as smartphone and tablet. There are some similarities between those two gadget. The first similarity is both of the gadget have same function that is to make the work easier. Also it can be used to communicate with the other. Beside that, smartphone and tablet can be used to play games as well as playing some music and watching video. Both of them are easy to bring to anywhere, so, we can use it almost anywhere we want. So, we can say that smartphone and tablet is quite similar.

Introductory Paragraph
“Keys to a Successful to Captivate Women”

Many people are confused to say love. They know what they want to say, but when it comes to expressing, they have problems. Not only do they have to dare to make eye contact with that woman, but they also have to address nervousness. Nervous habit that is often experienced by some people, causing them to lost the opportunity to express sentences which arranged in their mind. There are several steps that must be done before expressing feeling. They must know pretty well who they likes, try to make it comfortable,and could convince the woman,they have to be mentally prepared, focus on the goals and express what they want to say.

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