Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Akhmad Lutfi (A1B215036)

1. Chronological Order

Harry Potter Series

Harry Potter series became one of the most succesful book series in history. This series is written by British Author, J.K. Rowling. It has already got the mass attention since its first released on June 1997 with Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone. Followed by Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secret, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire in 1998, 1999, and 2000. The readers have to wait for 3 years because the fifth book, The Order of Phoenix, released in 2003. Two years later, Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince released and followed by its last book, Harry Potter and The Deadly Hallows, in 2007. As of 2013, the series have sold more than 450 million copies. This series also adapted into movies with same title for each book. It has eight movies because the last book was made into two part.

2. Order of Importance

Patronum Charm

Patronus is one of the most difficult charm in magic world, even many experienced wizard could have struggle with it. Patronus charm are positive feeling of the caster that projected in form of silver-light shield. The full form of this charm, a corporeal patronus, Usually takes a shape of animal which shares the deepest affinity with the caster. This charm could protect the wizard who cast it and people around him/her from dark creature, such a dementor. One of the youngest wizard who could conjure a corporeal patronus is Harry Potter.

3. Comparison

Comparison Between Behavioral and Cognitive Theory

Behavioral and cognitive are two different theory of learning. But, even in their many differences they still have a number of similarity. First, both of the theories are influenced by environment. In behavioral theory, Skinner believed that environmental influences control people. And Albert Bandura, in cognitive side believed that the basis of learning is observing others. the second is both of them use "reinforcement" in their way to make student developed. Whether it is positive (inhibitory) or negative (ignorance) reinforcement. So, even in two obviously different things (in this case is the two theories) there will always similarity.

4. Contrast

Jacket or Hoodie

Jacket is a type of warm clothes which usually used by people in a cold weather. Indonesian usually get wrong in differentiate hoodie and jacket. In Indonesian mind, all the warm clothes which made of thick materials are called as jacket. But actually there are at least two differences between these two things. First, jackets are made of leather, whether it is animal leather or synthesis leather. the common leather that used in man's jackets are crocs leather. In the other hand, hoodies are made of cotton, polyester, fleece, and other kinds of warm materials. The other thing that makes it different is from the design. Hoodie, as its name, is hooded sweatshirt with or without zipper. and jacket is unhooded sweatshirt with zipper. Those are two main differences between jacket and hoodie based on writer's knowledge. If you have other characteristic you can add it on comment.

Muhammad Rendra Aditya (A1B215049)

1. Chronological Order

Comic Artist

 People who makes a living from their illustration is called Comic Artist. But, it is not that easy to make a living from doing illustration, there are a lot of thing they need to do. First time does not always comfortable, but they who keeps on their track while doing this kind of job is a person who really loves their passion. At the very beginning, they have to make a lot of portfolio of their works, it means they have to make a lot of illustration for free. After that, they need an SNS to put their portfolio, artists often call it gigs. People will see their gigs and might order something from them. if they get recognized by some huge publisher, they might get serialized and make a stable living from that. But, even they get into some huge publisher, it does not mean their name is well-known already, artist have to make really good works so people will know about them. 

2. Logical Division of Ideas

Kinds of Pen

            Most people only know one type of pen, pens which they use for writing looks same for them. But, actually there are more than one type of pen are exist on our regular basis. The first pen that we are going to discuss about is common pen, or known as ballpoint pen. This kind of pen is automatically produces ink from the ballpoint, the ink storage is inside the body of the pen. And it cannot be refilled with new ink. So, when the ink was empty, we have to replace with another new pen. For the second pen, there is dip pen. This kind of pen use an individual ink, we can use whatever ink we want to use. It is a common thing for a comic artist or a calligrapher to use this kind of pen, not just because it is suited for their works, it also can be replaced by another ink when the old one was used up. We do not have to change the entire pen, we can just use a new ink. The other one is fountain pen, this kind of pen has its own storage for the ink. the tip of this pen looks like dip pen. But, we do not need to dip the tip into ink like dip pen does. The last type of pen is marker. It is common for marker to have a large and soft tip. It usually used for coloring. In the end, the usage of the pen is depends on the user need. From time to time, pen has changed a lot and become more easy to use. But, even though the usage of pen has changed to more easy to use, there are some professional job which need their worker to use some kind of old type pen.

3. Comparison

Carrot and Papaya

           If you are planning to make healthy or maintain your eyes or just want to try some delicious healthy foods and drinks, maybe you can try whether you want to eat vegetable or fruit. Carrot is a vegetable and papaya is a fruit, even though both are different, at least there are some similarities on them. The first one is their vitamin, they contain a lot of vitamin A which good for you to make healthy or maintain your eyes. The second similarity for you who just wants to try some delicious healthy food, these foods have a really good taste. You can eat them raw or make them into juices, it depends on your taste, and of course they are healthy. In summary, there are a lot of healthy food out there, but for you who plans to make healthy or maintain your eyes or just want to eat some delicious food, these are my recommendation foods or drinks. It is healthy and of course have a delicious taste. You can eat delicious foods or drinks while maintain your eyes healthy. why not?

4. Contrast

Japanese Comic and Western Comic

Japanese and western comic are well-known as a general style for dividing a comic, they sure have a really difference on some aspects. First, their artwork, while japanese comic is more cartoonist with a big eyes and unclear shape of anatomy unlike human, western is more realistic with human-like anatomy. There is another difference on their artwork, japanese comic is famous with its black and white comic. meanwhile in western comic, it has more color, creator really pay attention to the artwork and try to make it more realistic with more color. Another difference is their story plot, japanese comic often use a psychological story plot, it means a lot of japanese comic creator spend their time to make the story and the character development deeper. In other word, they will make a story or a character past that can move the readers. Meanwhile in western comic, the creator often make a deep story just in the beginning and make a lot of flashy action while the story goes on. In the end, there will be always a difference when we compare something, but, it depends on the readers interest whether they choose japanese comic or western comic. Both are really worth to read for me, they have their own specialty.

Adysti Bunga Paddini (A1B215035)

Logical Order

Pros and Cons of Being Individual

         What is the first thing that comes into your mind when you hear the word 'individual'? Alone? Arrogant? Freak? Well, let me tell you one thing. Individual people aren't always weird, arrogant, nor they hate people in general. Maybe some individuals are like that, but mostly it is their nature as introverts that prevent them to socialize more. But believe me or not, there are pros of being individual. First, being the boss of their own. They don't need other people's opinion in making decisions or what action they should take. Second, their tasks being done quickly. Individuals work best when they do it on their own compared to when they do it in groups. Third, they only need to think of themselves. Selfishly enough, this is the perks of being individual. They don't have to worry about other people's being. Seems good, but there's always a con to something, being individual is included. They are accustomed to do everything individually, even when they are having a problem. Too ask to ask for help, so what they can do is only to depend on themselves.


Red or Vermillion?

        From the picture above, can you differentiate which bag is red and which one is vermillion? This is kinda easy actually, for those of you who know what vermillion is. Vermillion is a kind of red, only it has orange-ish shade to it. So now you can tell that the bag on the right is in red and the left one is in vermillion. Even though there is a slight difference between the two, both red and vermillion are seen as prosperity symbols in Chinese culture.


 Aqua Vs. Turquoise

          I have had difficulties in differentiating the shades of colors, especially between turquoise and aqua. I once was convinced that the color of my bedroom wall was turquoise. But then I found out that it's actually aqua. I wonder if it is the same with you? Can you tell which one is turquoise and which one is aqua without the name plastered like in the picture above? From my observation, aqua is the same color of marine like in the picture. Turquoise on the other hand, although it is also a shade of blue, has a hint of green in it. See the difference?

Sumiati (A1B214209)

Name  :  Sumiati
Nim     : A1B214209

Chronological Order

                                            This was morning crazy
                The alarm clock I set the PM not AM. So I woke up Really late. I just threw on some clothes and run out the door . I rode my bike as fast as possible and thinking that I would be late  sure, BUT when i arrived on campus everyone is still a fuss Inside the room And it means yet started classes and lecturers big possibility not coming. i opens doors and no Yang realized that this morning I was late and I direct my friend sitting on the side. not long after the professor come and classes start. 

                                              Gains in Reading Books

               Many advantages in reading the book, in addition to adding insight, read the book also able to make the brain is always active at a time. No matter the type of reading, such as novels, newspapers and magazines what. Benefits of reading other books that can provide entertainment and a means of refreshing for some people. But in the era of the all-powerful, the habit of reading books seems to have declined, especially in our society. People are busy with their own gadgets. Benefits Of Reading To Improve Brain Capability, maintain youthfulness Brain That means that people often read them prone to dementia. Gives Strength To Memory. The habit of reading books, can stimulate the brain to think and concentrate. Reading this book provides various types of exercise for the brain than when watching TV or listening to the radio. Because the reading will be able to increase the ability of the brain. Such as the ability of imagination, language skills and associative learning simultaneously. Providing additional New Vocabulary-good speaker and has a lot of vocabulary that was issued when talking are people who love to read. By regularly read books, slowly but surely we have a vocabulary Due to the books we read, the book whatever it is, always contains a comprehensive vocabulary. Moreover, if we read a lot of books and various kinds.


                                             Between Iphone and Ipad
               Communication always become the most important things for human’s life. It because the function itself, to linking human and each other, celluar phone and computer are great invenstions for communication. similarities between Iphone and Ipad are the Ipad and Iphone produced by Apple Inc. Ipad runs the same operating system like Iphone, and can run its own applications as well as iPhone applications. And other similarities are the Ipad controlled by a multitouch display. So, communication become easy than before. The applications in Ipad and Iphone can make your time become shorter than before.

                                                             My Sister and I

                although we are brothers but we are very different. First he's tall and I'm short. Our task is also different. he is a teacher and while I was a student. Our last difference is the ability. my sister is very clever in the art, he can draw beautifully. but I do not like art. These are some of the differences between me and my sister. though I look like twins.

Fadillah Nurpriyanto A1B215039


Ice Tea 

          Everyone loves to drink ice tea because the way to make it is really easy. First, prepare the ingredients like tea, 2 spoons of sugar, 3/4 glass of warm water and ice cubes. Then, pour the water with tea and add sugar. Next, put the ice cubes into the glass. After that, stir it with a spoon until the tea becomes cold. Finally, the ice tea is ready to drink and don't forget to say bismillah before drink.



            Anime is really interesting to watch. There are three reasons why anime is interesting. The first reason is, anime has so much moral value. For example, Naruto teach everyone to never give up.  The second reason is the story is unusual. Sometimes the main character is dead or doing something wrong. The third reason is there are so many cute girl that makes anime really interesting to watch. Such as, Mine from Akamegakil, Shinoa from Owari no Seraph, Yui-chan from Sword Art Online, etc. To sum it up, anime is really good and interesting to watch.


Android vs iOS

         Almost everyone in this world have smartphone, most smartphone operating system is Android or iOS. Google's Android and Apple's iOS are operating system used primarily in mobile technology. These two operating systems have many differences. First, Android is Linux-based and the appearance is really costumable. Meanwhile, iOS is not open source, but the appearance is more user-friendly. Second, Android version is named by sweet foods like KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow, etc. Different with iOS that use numbers like iOS 3.0, iOS 4, iOS 5, etc. So, Android and iOS are really different from the appearance or the name for each version.


Apple and Microsoft

           Apple and Microsoft are rival in computer manufacture and the consumer electronics industry. The two companies have some similarities. First, the two companies launched their corporate structure within a short period of each other. Second, they are the highest earning main rivals and best innovators in the computer manufacture. Third, their products are the most widely used in the world. Above all, they are a rival with a good reputation.

Fariz Aliman (A1B215208)

            Everyone likes coffe, but I don’t like. Because it’s tasted bitter coffe. But I will explain how to make a good coffe. First, prepare the ingridients like coffe, 3 spoons of sugar, ½ glass of warm water then stir, and then mix it with plain water. Finally the coffe is ready to drink.

            There are three reasons I don’t have a credit card. The first reason is that using a piece of plastic instead of cash makes it too easy for me to buy things I can’t afford. For instance, last week I saw a $100.000 pair of black shoes in my favorite shoes store. Of course, I don’t nee black shoes, nor can I afford them. The second reason I don’t have credit card is that I would end up in debt like my friend Rocky the shopaholic. Rocky got a credit last year, and he already owes $5000. He buys things that he doesn’t really need such as jewelry and designer sunglasses. Rocky makes only minimum payment, so him balance never decreases. He will be in debt for years, the third reason I don’t have a credit card is the difficulty in understanding the fine print in the credit card contrack. If I don’t read the fine print, I can be surprised.


Apple launched new products named Iphone and Ipad. The similarities between Iphone and Ipad are the Ipad and Iphone produced by Apple Inc. Ipad runs the same operating system like Iphone, and can run its own applications as well as iPhone applications. And other similarities are the Ipad controlled by a multitouch display; a departure from most previous tablet computers, which used a pressure-triggered stylus as well as a virtual on screen keyboard in lieu of a physical keyboard.


Alcoholism is a disease that the nonalcoholic has a hard time understanding, and the two lifestyles are quite different. The nonalcoholic has a lifestyle that involves family and friends. He enjoys going to family functions and interacting with his loved ones. In contrast, the alcoholic tries to avoid family functions unless alcohol is offered. Even then, the alcoholic is consumed with drinking rather than interacting with loved ones. If the nonalcoholic is lonely, he tends to seek out a family member or friend to talk to. He will find ways to fill the void of loneliness. However, when the alcoholic feels lonely, sad or angry, he turns to the alcohol to fulfill that void so he does not have to deal with his feelings. Disagreements with a nonalcoholic are often handled quite differently than with an alcoholic. As an example, a nonalcoholic may often walk away from an argument opting for a time to come back when both parties have had time to cool down. Because the disease of alcoholism has a detrimental effect on the judgment of the alcoholic, he may simply lash out relentlessly, not realizing his tactlessness and the hurt he is causing. Goals can be very different for the afflicted person. An unaffected person will set goals to ensure the basic necessities of life, whereas an alcoholic will orientate his goals to achieve a result that satisfies his needs for alcohol. To a nonalcoholic, family rates number one in his life. To the alcoholic, alcohol is number one in his life. The only conclusion that can be drawn is that alcohol is the single factor that consumes the life of an alcoholic.

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2016

Muhammad Hais Syaufi (A1B215045)

Chronological Order
"Pro Guide to Tackle Your Friend"

            This time I will tell you about person who can tackle his or her friend with many ways to make friends girlfriend love us. Tackling our friend can make you proud because we can take our friends belonging it is "girlfriend". First, we must be kind to our friends girlfriend, if we can it will be easier to take their girlfriend. Second, we must make our friends girlfriend comfortable with us and compare it to his or her girlfriend or boyfriend, if he or she is comfortable with us he or she will choose the person who can make he or she feel comfortable. And the last to support the other methods we must spend our money, with money we can bought her whatever he or she want, so he or she be sure with us. So you can try this tips if you want tackling your friend s girlfriend or boyfriend.

Logical Division of Ideas

            We all know that gadget is very important for our life, such as to help us in working. But, before we use gadget, we must know about good and bad effects of it. First, the good effect of gadget is that it can make our work more simple, we can open the internet to find some reference for our work. Also, we can communicate with other people easier even if the other people is far away from us. Beside that, gadget also have some bad effect, for example it can make us forget about the time and also the radiation can hurt your eyes. These effects will happen if we use gadget for too long. In conclusion, gadget may give positive effect or negative effect for the user.

“American and Indonesian People”

            In this world, there are so many nations and culture, and two of them is America and Indonesia. These two country have many difference whether it is the people or the culture. First, most of American people have white skin and blonde hair, some of them also have different eyes colour such as blue, green, etc. Meanwhile in Indonesia, the people have fair skin, black hair, and black eyes. Another difference between these countries is their culture. American people tend to be more informal in something like dinner or just a simple conversation. They usually take it easy and be as relax as possible. Different with Indonesia, Indonesian people tend to be more formal in something like dinner, they even show respect to the other person whether in conversation or greeting. So, we can see some difference between America and Indonesia by looking at the people and the culture.

“Smartphone and Tablet”

            As we know, nowadays, most of people use gadget such as smartphone and tablet. There are some similarities between those two gadget. The first similarity is both of the gadget have same function that is to make the work easier. Also it can be used to communicate with the other. Beside that, smartphone and tablet can be used to play games as well as playing some music and watching video. Both of them are easy to bring to anywhere, so, we can use it almost anywhere we want. So, we can say that smartphone and tablet is quite similar.

Introductory Paragraph
“Keys to a Successful to Captivate Women”

Many people are confused to say love. They know what they want to say, but when it comes to expressing, they have problems. Not only do they have to dare to make eye contact with that woman, but they also have to address nervousness. Nervous habit that is often experienced by some people, causing them to lost the opportunity to express sentences which arranged in their mind. There are several steps that must be done before expressing feeling. They must know pretty well who they likes, try to make it comfortable,and could convince the woman,they have to be mentally prepared, focus on the goals and express what they want to say.

Hafiz Madani (A1B215040)

Chronological order


          The UEFA Champions League is an annual continental club football competition organised by UEFA and it is the most prestigious club competition in Europe. It was first introduced in 1992, it replaced the previous competition European Champion clubs’ Cup which had run since 1955. The competition has been won by 22 different clubs, 12 of which have won it more than once. Real Madrid was the most successful club in the competition's history, Real Madrid won the competition 11 times. But the most historical victory was when Manchester United won the competition. Manchester United won the competition with a lot of young players in the team. So, it is not just about how good a player you have but it is how smart you to organize the team and be consistent during the competition.

Logical Division of Ideas

5 Things that You Should Know Before Watch Anime

            Before you watch anime there are some things you should do first. It is to clarify whether it, can you watch the anime or not. First, search information. you must know about the rate or the genre. Second, ask your friends. because they are a lot of anime that you should know whether you can watch that anime or not. Third, ask on anime forum. you can ask about the anime in that forum, so you can know whether anime is according to your taste or not. Fourth, watch the trailer. Before you watch anime you should watch the first trailer for the opinion of others is not necessarily the same as yours. The last, watch some first episodes. You can know that you want to continue that anime or not. So, before you watch anime would be nice if you do these 5 things and select anime that suits your age.


Vegetables and Fruits

            Vegetables and fruits are two kinds of food. They have many similarities. Both of them have many vitamins, calcium, folic acid and etc. A few of them can be made juice. They are good for your health. So, if you want to be more healthy you must eat more vegetables and fruits.


Rubber vs Correction Pen

            There are two kinds of things that can clean your handwriting. They are rubber and correction pen. They have some differences. Rubber usually has solid form and it is used when you write with a pencil. And correction pen has liquid form and it is used to correct or clean your handwriting when you use the pen. Actually, they have similarities, they are used to correct or clean your handwriting. So, it depends on us which one we prefer to use when we write.



            Process from egg to butterfly is called metamorphosis. The process is quite long and simple. First of all start from butterfly's eggs laid on a leaf. The eggs will hatch within 3-5 days and then becomes caterpillar. It will run to the edge of the leaf and begin to eat it. When the caterpillar reaches maximum growth, the caterpillar stops eating and going closer to the branch. It will make a cocoon on a branch . The caterpillar will be fasting for 7-20 in a cocoon for the formation of a perfect insect. After coming out from the cocoon the caterpillar has been transformed into a beautiful butterfly. Butterfly phase is the mature phase of the result of this metamorphosis.

Logical division of ideas

           Teachers are second parents after the parents who raised us. Teachers have an important role in everyone's life. Being a teacher is not an easy job. Teaching can provide long-lasting impact on the students. A good teacher is a teacher who can motivate and inspire his students. That's why teachers must be qualified. There are a few requirements to become a qualified teacher is ; to be disciplined in everything, have intellectual intelligence and must balance with moral Intellegence. Another good quality of teacher is able to be a good example for his students. Always understand, comprehend, carring and learning to the development of students. A good teacher should have a good quality to make the sudents be able to to become a successful person.


            Melon and watermelon has the same rounded shape. They have small seeds inside the fruit. Both of these fresh fruit eaten in the heat. Both also contain vitamins A and C that nourish the eyes and endurance. Melon and watermelon is a fruit of mostly contain water. Many people choose to consume both this fruit because it is easy to come by and many mineral content is very good for the body.


            The difference fruit nutrient content that can tell we which is better for consumption. Yellow watermelon does not contain antioxidant compounds as red watermelon. But the benefits of yellow watermelon are vitamin C and A portion of more than  red watermelon. And also yellow watermelon sweeter than the red watermelon. But red watermelon is more popular and preferred by consumers for more nutritious in terms of antioxidants. That's why many traders selling red watermelons rather than yellow watermelon.